Haegelin Wehmeyer

Established 1979

About Haegelin WEHMEYER

We recognize that every project, no matter what size, offers its own unique challenges.

Our goal is to successfully navigate those challenges to avoid delays and cost overruns, and to be a valuable member of any project team. We bring a partnering attitude to every project that results in open communication, better coordination with unforeseen conditions, and timely resolution of unanticipated delays.

The foundation for Haegelin Wehmeyer Construction’s success has always been the ability to provide quality utility installation for our clients in an honest, dedicated, and consistently professional manner. The timely and thorough completion of our projects is a collaborative effort of our experienced full-time utility crews, field support personnel, office staff, and management.

Haegelin Wehmeyer Construction also utilizes technology to more efficiently complete projects. All of our superintendents carry tablets in the field and are versed in using Plan Grid, which allows the Project Management staff to electronically disseminate plan sheets, staking maps, cutsheets and other job specific information to the field. As-Built information is also tracked electronically throughout the course of a project to ensure the most accurate and detailed record keeping is available at the completion of the project.

We have cultivated lasting relationships with owners, engineers, municipalities, and general contractors in over four decades of private and public sector work in the Austin area. We count as our highest achievement the reputation we have established for consistent high quality work in the utility construction industry.

The Central Business District

Our extensive work in Austin’s Central Business District offers unique expertise to any downtown project. Our project teams bring a wealth of experience in managing the challenges of urban development. We continue to successfully navigate issues of traffic control, utility coordination, water shutouts, paving restoration, and other schedule critical issues that have a large effect on the success of downtown sites.

© 2025 Haegelin Wehmeyer Construction Ltd